This Super Bowl 2013 ad was for the Doritos brand. More specifically for their famous Nacho Cheese flavored Doritos.
This commercial is about a little girl that wants her dad to play with her, and of all things, she wants to play dress up. At first he says no but then she brings out her "secret weapon," DORITOS! It automatically changes her dad's mind, he even takes it to the level of putting on makeup. The next scene shows his friends coming in and catching him. What is key about this scene is that he didn't even have to tell them why he was all dressed up, they knew exactly why, and so they all join in so that they can have a taste of the Doritos and ultimately they are all happy, well except the wife/mother.
This Doritos commercial is taking place in a family's house, but they only show one location which is the daughter's room.
The scene is set in present time probably before or during football season because the father and his friends where all hyped up about playing football before they saw the Doritos bag.
This ad is trying to show the audience that Doritos taste so good that you will do just about anything to get a little share of the bag.
The reason why I like this ad was because of how the little girl got her dad to play with her. With this crazy, fast, and busy world their is not always that time or balance between work, family, and friends. This commercial showed that the dad really wanted to play football with his friends but instead ended up spending quality time with his daughter, and as a bonus he was also able to hang out with his friends and she got more people to play dress up with her. When I saw this commercial,it actually wasn't when it aired at the Super Bowl but just a few weeks ago, and it just made me laugh because of how cute it was that the father and his friends were not ashamed to play dress up and makeup to have some chips.